Foreseeing the growth of the machinery industry in Taiwan and internationally, San Wu made a decision to invest in hydraulic equipment. In 1981, with an initial investment of USD 5 million, Camel Precision Co., Ltd. was founded. This decisive investment was recognized by the government as one of the three major investments of the year. This was a big step in leading local industries toward "Industrial Automation".
The management of the company was fully aware that high quality products require not only sophisticated machinery, but good knowledge in technology is also important as well. With this sense in mind, the company invited senior engineers from Germany and Japan to lead the manufacturing and training of local engineers in the hydraulic industry. This has put Camel Precision on to a solid ground of designing and manufacturing alongside its path of growing.
As of this day, the company's quality products are highly recognized domestically and worldwide.
Nevertheless, providing top quality products and service to all industries will still be the company's long term policy goal.

Camel Precision Co.,Ltd.
No. 64, Yu-Men Road, Taichung 40764, Taiwan (R.O.C)
TEL: 886-4-24615707 / FAX: 886-4-24618842